Intermediate Microeconomics [b]: A Modern Approach (7th Edition) by Hal R. Varian
Economics in One Lesson [b] Henry Hazlitt
Web Text
Wilmott Quantitative Finance
Quantnet.com Quantitative finance
Mises Austrian School of Economics
AmosWEB Micro and Macroeconomics
Khan Academy [v] Economics/Finance
LSE: Introduction to Econometrics [v] Full Course with Resources
Youtube/misesmedia Mises videos
Marxist Economics Lectures [v] Professor Richard D. Wolff
Reading Marx’s Capital [v] Professor David Henry
EconTalk Economics Podcast
Recommended Economics Blogs
List of Econ Bloggers http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/ Paul Krugman http://gregmankiw.blogspot.com/ Greg Mankiw http://blog.andyharless.com/ Andy Harless http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6426.Joseph_E_Stiglitz/blog Jospeh Stiglitz http://macromarketmusings.blogspot.com/ David Beckworth http://www.themoneyillusion.com/ Scott Sumner http://monetaryfreedom-billwoolsey.blogspot.com/ Bill Woolsey http://dolanecon.blogspot.com/ Ed Dolan http://www.economonitor.com/dolanecon/ Ed Dolan 2nd blog http://www.econbrowser.com/ James D. Hamilton http://www.bloomberg.com/ Econ news
http://epchan.blogspot.com/ Ernie Chan
Investopedia Financial Tutorials beginner to advanced lessons on investment with a native financial dictionary
Stockcharts Learning resource for the fundamentals of technical analysis
Finviz Stock screener for investors
Grok Trade [v] Self-learning resource for technical analysis
24/7 Wall Street Economic commentary by equity investors
Investors Financial news for investors
Google Finance Stock market quotes and news
Tools / Reference / Exercises
NBER Economic Research Publications
Social Science Research Network Social science papers